Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Year.... New ME!

Everything Change!!!

New Year has just been arrived—2014, and many have been doing some changes in their lives like attitude. Some made their New Year’s Resolution because they want something new. Most of them are children, But at this age of mine, I have also my own new year’s resolution.

It all started during my fourth grade in elementary that I created. Having this kind of list is one way of renewing yourself or to dissolve all unwanted attitude of yours is very helpful, because this serves as your guide in your daily living to become a better person or as a good citizenship of our country.

Being thrifty, obedient, generous, have faith to God and other good characteristics of a girl is what I developed when I am busy growing-up. But now, those good characteristics are partially developed compared to old times. And now, finally, at this present time, I am a big girl already, that I can strongly manage some consequences of the nature.

During the time that I was looking for those good things, along the way, comes many challenges, but having a strong faith in God is such a great thing to have because everything will be easily to decipher.

Finally, at this moment I say that I am already a renewed person because of those lessons that comes in my way upon entering the new stage of life.

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